Dear Canada Post….

Posted: June 3, 2011 in Uncategorized

…. You may now go on strike.

It’s a Friday Favorites kind of day people! That can only mean ONE thing! I got home to find a little something something in my mailbox!

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Even though Mother Nature went a little wonky and dropped the temps from 90 to 50 and windy as hell I grabbed my ID and booked it to the post office before they closed.

Oh how I love mail… especially big boxes from home.

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Oh whatever could it be?!?!

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That’s right folks… four glorious pounds of my favorite addiction. The sweet sweet coffee that makes my 4:54 am daily alarm just a little bit better. This latest order SHOULD last me the next 8 weeks so I won’t have to order again… but that’s only if I can restrain myself from creating a caffeine injection. We shall see.

Since my mom is so awesome there was some other goodness included. 

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Yup, my four kinds of JavaMoose coffee I had ordered, plus some Dessert gum and a box of chocolate Cheerios… I think I forgot to tell her chocolate cheerios come to Canada like.. NEXT WEEK… but whatever. Carbs are carbs right?!

The only snag in the plan was when I popped open the bag of White Choco Chip to fill up my coffee pot for this morning… and it contained beans… whole beans. Opps, I guess I need to note on the order it should be ground.

I don’t OWN a coffee grinder.

Nor did I have ANY other coffee for this morning.

So I did what I always do, I got desperate and used my Magic Bullet. I swear that thing is the BEST 50$ I have ever spent on a kitchen appliance… well, that and my crock pot. But you know me, I hate playing favorites.

Beans were ground, coffee was perked this morning and Becca was a VERY happy camper.

I know it’s crazy but I was half expecting the coffee to be white… you know.. like white choco chips? (I know… foolish right?).

I was also expecting it to be delicious and fantastical and wonderful and everything I ever imaged it to be in my head.

…. and it WAS!

What are YOU loving today?

  1. allieksmith says:

    YES! You got your Java Moose and you don’t have to cry.. unless it is tears of joy 😉

    I’m loving the fact that I am going to a Strawberry festival tonight!

  2. Genie says:

    Love? I loved having a candy bar with my coffee for breakfast. Hardcore. LOL

  3. I love my Magic Bullet too! You have me so intrigued by this coffee.

    • ihearteggs says:

      I seriously couldnt live without the bullet! The coffee is AMAZING. Once the new website is up I’ll be posting it… and will probably hold a giveaway when I move back (and can get the coffee easier!)

  4. Kimmy says:

    Dessert gum?? OMG I want to try this!!! Can you only get it in the States? What’s it like? I’m going to Florida the end of August. I think I will have to stock up! lol

    • ihearteggs says:

      Yup! it’s only in teh states right now! BOO!!!! I love the mint chocooalte chip and strawberry shortcake! I also got some key lime pie I have yet to try!

  5. Kimmy says:

    Wow I’m so jealous!! I had no idea this even existed. I bet it would be perfect for cravings. Sucks that Canada Post is talking strike. I could bribe some US friends to mail me some but who knows when it would get here lol

    • ihearteggs says:

      I know! I was SO happy my package got here yesterday. If I had to wait longer for my coffee I would have gone insane lol i specifically ordered enough to last until I move back ahah

  6. Kimmy says:

    I’m glad you got your coffee! Yay!! 🙂

  7. Kimmy says:

    I don’t drink coffee but I’m wondering if I should start lol. I like to drink diet pop and DavidsTea 🙂

  8. Alina says:

    Crisis averted. Great news! I find I don’t really use my magic bullet that much. I use the blender for smoothies most of the time. What do you use the Bullet for?

    • ihearteggs says:

      I go through bullet phases… I like blending stuff with ice in the summer… i made ice tea/coffee slushies or even just crystal light and ice. It’s a treat when you diet!! lol

  9. Liz says:

    I LOVE my coffee too! Unfortunately, we don’t have Java Moose in the states–you make their coffee sound SO delicious! I’ve been craving it without ever having tried it before 🙂

  10. Lisa says:

    I love getting packages too! Makes you feel important or something, I don’t know =) I’ve got to try that coffee.

    • ihearteggs says:

      I know! Even though I bought the coffee just getting it with a little something from my mom was so fantastic! She used to send me care packages when I was mega poor and it was like christmas when they arrived!

  11. Um, my Magic Bullet is a family memeber. I fondly refer to it in a french accent (Mah-jeek Boo-lay). I use it twice a day at least. Seriously.

  12. Emily says:

    I LOVE coffee. I had some kind of Newmans Own organic fair trade extra bold coffee from the trusty Keurig this morning! I also loved my 7 mile run! And the immense amount of cantaloupe consumed afterwards. 🙂

  13. Ooo how creative to use the magic bullet for grinding. Brilliant!

  14. Brilliant idea to use the magic bullet..just brilliant!

  15. Do you have a magic bullet? I recently found out mine could grind coffee and I literally have never been more excited for anything in my life bahaha.

  16. lol…silly. tons of people use the Bullet as a coffee grinder. dont bother buying one..that Bullet is amazing!!
    Ha ha..glad you got all your goodies from the mom 🙂 so sweet 🙂

  17. cookinghealthyforme says:

    I posted earlier on yesterday’s post asking if you received your coffee…I guess I should have waited. Congrats….I know life will be easier!

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