WIAW: Didn’t Make the Cut

Posted: September 20, 2011 in Uncategorized

I skipped last week… why? Because well I just wasn’t feeling it. I guess my meals have been routine, boring and well… tasty to me but not really worth noting.

But not anymore!

Today I bring you! WIAW: Didn’t Make the Cut Edition!


A few weeks ago my parents were in St Andrews (…by the sea) camping and on the Sunday they invited my to head down for dinner since the brother and his fam were already on their way.

I hit the gym earlier than usual for my Sunday leg workout and hit the highway for the drive down. I swear every Sunday driver was out in full force… and the patches of heavy fog REALLY didn’t help, but alas, I made it there and got a call from mom saying they were on their way to the aquarium.

aug 23 094 I think every student in New Brunswick has gone on at LEAST 8 field trips to this aquarium… there is touch tanks, lots of different types of fish, seals, ginormous lobsters, etc etc… It was recently closed for renovations and it absolutely gorgeous now.

aug 23 100

Since I was so beyond smart in high school and participated in the International Baccalaureate Program I spent even MORE time there on my weekends doing biology labs in the UNB science center. Do you know how much fun categorizing seaweed is? … or just how many TYPES of seaweed there is? Or how about what makes a seastar turn over faster or slower?

aug 23 093 … But I digress, it IS WIAW! And Sunday was my cheat meal that week!

aug 23 109Fish and sweet potato chips at the Red Herring Pub on the water. St Andrews is such a cute town, so old and pretty… and the pub has some pretty amazing food. It’s obviously BEYOND fresh food, huge pieces and so perfectly cooked. Heaven I tell you, heaven!

aug 23 112

Since St Andrews is so close to the states mom and dad h ad popped across for groceries at one point and brought back a big box of different types of animal crackers for Griffin… and by Griffin I mean he got MOST of them.

aug 23 117

Speaking of Griffin… last weekend mom babysat him on Friday night. What does he want for dinner? Good old fashioned KD. I totally stole a small plate. As wrong and as bad as it it for you oh damn this was tasty. It was like my childhood all over again.

I balanced it out by finishing my Sudoku in the paper while chowing down.

aug 23 125 … And last but not least. My cheat meal from this week. I was craving Mexican. Hardcore.

Specifically these babies.

capclassic 076 Those with some smoky chipotle salsa… Heaven. Pure heaven.

But I took it one step further.

I roasted a spaghetti squash… chopped up half a red and half a green pepper, a few onions and cooked them up. I layered the squash, onions, peppers, some spicy taco lean beef and a small amount of cheese in a baking dish and popped it in the oven.

sept 022

Topped this with some of the salsa and it was amazing. So easy, yet so tasty. I have a feeling this may be repeated this weekend. Yum yum yum.

So there you have it… some notable but not blog worthy eats from the last few weeks!

Do you ever find yourself snapping pics… then never using them?!

  1. I love the Mexican twist on the spaghetti squash!

  2. allieksmith says:

    Mmm, sweet tater fries!

  3. Um all of that is making my stomach talk to me! Totally drool worthy 🙂

    I’m not very good at using pictures in my blog posts yet…and I never seem to blog about anything I can really take a picture of. So, no I don’t snap pictures I don’t use lol.

  4. Tiff says:

    I do that all the time. No shame in snap n’ delete. I’m having spaghetti squash tonight, so your last pic is making me even more ready for dinner!

  5. Ann says:

    I love the roasted veggies, beef and cheese…what a bright colorful dish! (frosted animal crackers – one of Keebler’s best ideas!)

  6. Your Mexican dish looks AMAZING!!!! My Aiden loves the frosted animal cookies, I try and stay away or I could easily eat the entire bag.
    I am constantly snapping pictures, but never use most of them…until I need a blog post and throw them all in that one 🙂

  7. marlopnwgirl says:

    What the heck is KD? Is that some fancy Canadian way of Saying Mac and Cheese? LOL!!

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